Über Veröffentlichen im Internet als emanzipativen Vorgang und “Netzaktivismus”

Wir haben vor gut 6 Wochen oder so angefangen, einen Podcast zu machen und auf diesem Blog Texte zu veröffentlichen. Ich wollte mal was über den Prozess schreiben, vielleicht sowas wie eine Art Selbstreflexion und auch ein Transparentmachen von Selbstzweifel. Continue reading Über Veröffentlichen im Internet als emanzipativen Vorgang und “Netzaktivismus”

a rant on whitewashing


Disclaimer: All thoughts and explanations written here come from a very personal place of the author and are not yet backed up by external sources. Hence why it is ,,a rant” on the topic.

When i write of whitewashing, i write of the cinematography-based definition.

This word does have other meanings, especially in a historical sense, and the film-based definition is to my knowledge not an official term, but one widely used by individuals and forums on the internet.

A Merriam-Webster definition of whitewashing in cinematography: [W]hitewashing refers to casting white actors as characters who are non-white or of indeterminate race […], over equally qualified people of color, as in the Oscar nominations.

(Note: i am not sure how i feel about the use of the word ,,race” in these types of dialogue. This word always seems inherently wrong to me.)

Continue reading a rant on whitewashing

A Poem

half of people paralysed
trying to adjust to a
seemingly “comletely new” situation
“we’ve never had a pandemic before”
might be true
if you only regard the last 90 years
if you disregard all the epidemics
happening where you don’t live

now you call for solidarity
but what kind?
the one that includes
people around you, similar enough to you for you to relate
to show compassion? Continue reading A Poem

I am not gonna let go of my beliefs

This text is written 04:24 in the morning. I hope you will enjoy.

Completely impossible to sleep. I am so excited. As new thoughts have entered my mind. Forbidden thoughts about the coronapocalyps. Its not making any sense. Today police broke up people in the park, gatherings of more than 2 people. It feels like suddenly living inside some dictatorship, except for the lazy non aggressive tone of the cops, and the fact that it is done with mass consent and public fear. Oh wait. Really., all my alarm bells are ringing. Why didn’t I see it before?

Continue reading I am not gonna let go of my beliefs